Occupational therapy can help children with a variety of needs improve their cognitive, physical, sensory, and motor skills. It helps children build a foundation for learning through play, which is why OT sessions look a lot like playtime! Our team uses games, crafts, and obstacle courses to challenge children to push their boundaries and build confidence. 

The skills kids learn while exploring the gym and working with our therapists can help them find success and independence in their family, academic, and social lives. Occupational therapists also work with children who need help with:

  • Gross Motor Skills, or development of balance, coordination, and managing high/low muscle tone
  • Fine Motor Skills such as difficulty with dressing, using feeding utensils, manipulating puzzles, writing, cutting, or coloring
  • Sensory Processing, or your child’s ability to use sensory information to help them manage BIG emotions, self-calm when upset, and learn body safety and awareness to control “constant” moving, jumping, and crashing
  • Visual Motor and Visual Processing, or your child’s ability to copy shapes or letters, track visual input, or cross midline during activities
  • Behavioral Health such as difficulty with changes in routine, transitions between activities, or conflicts with peers or siblings
  • Ideational Apraxia, or difficulty motor planning and using objects during play
  • Self-Care and Social Skills related to Autism, developmental delays, and other disorders

Learn more about developmental milestones and occupational therapy here.